Removing text from a PDF isn't as easy as drawing a black bar across it. Fortunately, redaction tools let you truly erase sensitive text in Preview, Adobe Acrobat DC Pro, and PDFPen.
We compare the new iPad mini (A17 Pro) with the 6th-gen iPad mini predecessor. Find out how much better the new iPad mini is compared to the old model.
Is your iPhone too old to get security updates? If you need a new part will you be able to get it? Find out if your iPhone is still supported by Apple.
This week is full of treats from Apple! We’ve got a new iMac, new MacBook Pros, and a new Mac mini, all sporting the new M4 chip. We talk about the new products and more on this episode of the Macworld Podcast! And we promise, no tricks!
By Roman Loyola, Michael Simon and Jason Cross 1 month ago
Concerned about the safety of an elderly parent or other relative? Find out which Apple Watch is best for seniors, and which Apple Watch offers fall detection, heart monitoring, and blood oxygen monitoring.