Mac 911
Mac 911
A Favorite iMovie Cheat
I'm putting together the next Breen's Bungalow — a QuickTime tutorial that appears each month on the CD bundled with newsstand copies of Macworld (and available to subscribers as part of an online "virtual CD") — and I just invoked one of my favorite cheats.Mac 911
iSync on TechTV
On Tuesday's Call for Help on TechTV, I revealed some of my favorite iSync tips.Mac 911
Defining Google
If you're looking for a definition while zipping around the Web with Safari, you may be able to save yourself a trip to 911
iPhoto 4 and Firewalls
On a recent episode of TechTV's Call for Help, a caller asked how he might share his iPhoto library on a local network from behind a firewall. I suggested that he open the port necessary to allow sharing in iPhoto 4.Mac 911
Unexpected Classic Progress Meter
I apologize for finishing off the week with what may be a "well, duh!" item to some of you, but because I boot into the Classic Environment so rarely, the following is something I've not noticed before.Mac 911
Habeas on the Case
The other day I mentioned how the more dastardly variety of spammer had taken advantage of the Habeas system for identifying legitimate email. Habeas' CEO, Des Cahill, was kind enough to get in touch and bring me up to date on what Habeas is doing about this intrusion. I thought his comments worth sharing here.Mac 911
Backup Boogaloo on Call For Help
On TechTV's Call For Help program on Tuesday I presented an overview of Apple's Backup — the easy-does-it backup application included with a .Mac membership.Mac 911
10.3.3 Brings Satisfying Permissions Compromise
Faithful readers know that a few months ago I went on at length about a potentially dangerous issue that occurred when you first booted into Mac OS X 10.3 — specifically that for the first five minutes you were logged in, you could toss out any file on your Mac (even those your Mac needed in order to function) without the OS raising a single objection.Mac 911
Having on Habeas
If you use a spam filter such as SpamAssassin or SpamSieve (and really, you should), you may have noticed that a message hawking phony pharmaceuticals has managed to make its way past your filter. It has because it includes the Habeas header.Mac 911
The Plague That is Satellite Broadband Access
nttttDish Networks and Viacom's latest "let's use our customers as pawns in this little game of chicken where we pull 'Blue's Clues' off the air and cause countless youngsters to run to their parents crying 'For the love of Steve's stripy green jersey, why, Daddy why!?'"nttttgambit got me thinking about satellite communications. And when I think about satellite communications, my mind naturally turns to my satellite broadband connection.nttttAnd how much I hate it.ntttMac 911
Old LocalTalk Printer With New Mac
I've visited this one a time or two in my Mac 911 column, but I continue to get enough email on the subject of connecting legacy printers to new Macs that it's worth addressing again.Mac 911
The Email Safety Net
I was conversing with a colleague this morning and during the course of that conversation she revealed that she had tossed an older version of a file we were working on but now needed a copy of that file.Mac 911
iMovie Stretches Part II
When we last convened, I mentioned that iMovie's auto-stretch feature, which distorts clips outside the 4 x 3 aspect ratio, was a little inconvenient.Mac 911
iMovie Stretches
Reader Dale M. wrote in to ask why — when footage that was shot at a 90-degree angle (with the camera held sideways) and that footage is then rotated in QuickTime Pro and imported into iMovie — his footage is stretched as if in a fun-house mirror.Mac 911
GarageBand’s Keyboard and Velocity
When you click on GarageBand's onscreen keyboard you'll discover that the velocity (loudness) of the notes change depending on where on the keys you click.Mac 911
Lose mini, Gain Microdrive
Mac 911
Slamming Spam
Looking for a way to augment the Junk filter in your email client? On today's Call For Help on TechTV…Mac 911
Click and Name
Here's a neat little trick you can use in Panther's Save and Save As dialog boxes. Invoke either command and…Mac 911
iPod mini Diagnostics
It's about time to wrap up my coverage of the iPod mini and move on to other subjects. But before I do, I should update the state of the mini's Diagnostic screen.Mac 911
iPod mini as a bootable drive
nttttWon't work.nttttNot with Jaguar.nttttNot with Panther.nttttNot with the aid of Carbon Copy Cloner.nttttIt just won't work.ntttMac 911
USB 2.0 and the iPod mini
"Huh?" I hear some of you sputter (if, indeed, one can sputter a word that lacks any sibilant consonants), "You mean the iPod mini is, compatible with the newer Mac's USB 2.0 ports!?"Mac 911
A Smarter iPod mini Smart Playlist
When you plug an iPod mini into a computer that bears an iTunes library larger than the mini's 3.7GB capacity, iTunes offers to create a playlist that contains a subset of the tunes on your computer. This is a very cool feature, but not as cool as it could be.Mac 911
The mini and Me
After my repeated pleas for an iPod mini evaluation unit were greeted with stony silence by all with an address (Note to self: Grab gig with major metropolitan newspaper at earliest convenience.) I ventured out into commute traffic to obtain one the good old fashioned way: Retail.Mac 911
It’s the Standard, Stupid
Why should iPod owners care that many who find the iPod mini too expensive will opt for cheaper players? Because ultimately it's not about the player. It's about the music you put on it.Mac 911
A Useful iMovie Importing Technique
Here's a time-saving technique I use when creating Breen's Bungalow, the QuickTime tutorial found on the CD bundled with newsstand…Mac 911
GarageBand Update Brings ReWire Support
MIDI hepcats understand the benefits of Propellerhead Software's technology (a technology that allows two applications to share audio data). The recent hints that good things are coming in regard to ReWire support.Mac 911
Of Shared iPhoto Libraries and Dragged Copies
In my last entry I mentioned that when you mount a shared iPhoto 4 library, you can't copy full images…Mac 911
Moving iPhoto Libraries
At one time if you wanted to move your iPhoto Library to a location other than the Pictures folder within…Mac 911
Workarounds for Mail Corruptions
In this week's Macworld Weekly I offered this little exchange with reader Amanda G: Q. I checked my mail today…Mac 911
Archived iDVD Projects
On Tuesday's Call for Help program on TechTV, I completed my look at iLife '04 with a peek at iDVD…Mac 911
Entourage Contacts to Yahoo
In the February issue of Macworld (Corral Your Contacts, pages 80-81) I allude to the notion that you can import…Mac 911
Duplicating DVDs
Given the amount of email I get on the subject, it appears that the current Mystery of This Age is…Mac 911
Digi and GarageBand
During a recent rehearsal with my band, System 9, I dragged out my PowerBook to show the boys the wonders…Mac 911
Bluetooth Update and Headsets
Today Apple released the Bluetooth Software 1.5 Update, which, among other things, allows you to use Bluetooth headsets with your…Mac 911
Capturing iPhoto Slideshows with Snapz X Pro
Like my compatriot, Jason Snell, I'm more than a little keen on Ambrosia Software's Snapz X Pro 2.0. I use…Mac 911
Getting Websites With wget
In this week's Macworld Weekly Newsletter a reader asked for a way to download a webpage in Safari. I suggested…Mac 911
iMovie 4 on TechTV
On today's TechTV I demonstrated some of the cool new features built into iMovie 4. To view the accompanying article,…Mac 911
iMovie Still an Exercise in Patience
In an entry from last month I suggested that iMovie 3 was so slow that only those with the fastest…Mac 911
iPhoto 4 on Tech TV
On today's Call For Help program on TechTV I took a look at another member of Apple's iLife '04 suite,…Mac 911
Live and in Person
In the current issue of Macworld I discuss creating ambient music with a very cool loop-based sequencer, Ableton Live 3….Mac 911
A Groovier Lounge Jazz Groove
I was playing around with GarageBand's Lounge Jazz Drum loops this morning and noticed that the ride cymbal had the…Mac 911
Apple’s Apps and Software Update
Just a quick note to remind you that it pays to store Apple applications in the Applications folder at the…Mac 911
My First GarageBand Tip
Like a lot of people, I'm enamored of Apple's GarageBand and have been spending more time dinking around with it…Mac 911
Panther Mail in Mac 911
February's Mac 911 column is online. This month's column is all about Panther's flavor of Apple's Mail program. Check it…Mac 911
GarageBand on TechTV
On today's Call for Help program on TechTV I ran through the basics of Apple's cool new easy-to-use music application,…Mac 911
The Macworld CD (and Breen’s Bungalow) Online!
If you haunt the magazine racks of your local smoke shoppe, you know that Macworld bundles a CD-ROM with newsstand…Mac 911
Today’s Call For Help
On today's Call For Help program on TechTV, I discussed a couple of cool doohickies I spotted at last week's…Mac 911
Bigger Cursor
In this week's Macworld Weekly Newsletter, I proffered this question and answer: Q. Because I'm visually impaired, I have great…Mac 911