The Macalope Weekly: The Jerk Store
The Macalope takes a break from iPad speculation and Macworld Expo to return to his favorite pastime: jerktastic commentary and the jerky jerks that make it.Macworld Podcast
Macworld Expo 2010: iPad roundtable
We present the audio from an hour-long session at this month's Macworld Expo focusing on what we know and think about Apple's forthcoming iPad.Updated
Tim Cook talks iPad, Apple
Apple's chief operating officer spoke at an investors conference where he praised the forthcoming iPad, outlined the company's plans for retail expansion, and gave an overview of the company's other products during a wide-ranging talk.Playlist
Bookeen Cybook Opus
If you've been waiting for a no-frills e-book reader that's scarcely heavier than an iPhone, check out the Cybook Opus from Bookeen.Playlist
Sony Reader Daily Edition PRS-900BC
Sony's first wireless e-book reader, though pricey, offers first-rate newspaper support–but only if AT&T's service cooperates.Playlist
Apple and e-book DRM: Will they? Should they?
Apple will soon make its foray into the e-book market, but will it look like the iTunes Store circa 2003, or the iTunes Store of today?Playlist
Adobe’s DRM vexes e-book owners
Users say Adobe's Digital Experience Protection Technology fails to live up to the company's promise of interoperability between e-readers and e-book stores.MacUser
How the iPad fits into IT
Worried about having to support the iPad in your organization? IT director John C. Welch contends that if you already support iPhones and iPod touches, then you're ahead of the game.Playlist
Protect your e-book reader
As more people turn to e-readers, a variety of screen guards and cases have hit the market, as have accessories such as clip-on lights and decorative decals. Here's a look at some of the options you have for accessorizing your device.iOS Central
Wired iPad app avoids Flash blockade, ePub
Wired magazine is planning to offer a digital version of its publication that's targeted at tablets like Apple's iPad and relies on software built by Adobe.iOS Central
iPad SDK’s surprise: There are no surprises
Developers say that beyond support of UI elements for the iPad's larger screen, there's nothing too surprising in the version of the iPhone SDK that lets them build apps for the forthcoming tablet.Playlist
Analyst: Amazon’s e-book market share could plummet
An analyst is predicting that the book retailer's share of the e-book market could drop to 15 percent with the launch of the iPad and other competition.News
Jon Landau on the iPad and the 3D film industry
Macworld UK catches up with high-profile movie producer Jon Landau (Avatar, Titanic) to talk about the iPad and the move towards mobile digital devices and 3D in the home.Playlist
Are publishers finding iBookstore terms hard to swallow?
Magazine and newspaper publishers are reportedly having a hard time liking Apple's terms for inclusion in the iBookstore.iOS Central
Spank A Monkey for iPhone
Spank A Monkey stars Sugar, the monkey. The game's objective is to make Sugar happy by following her four simple commands: lift, shake, pinch, or spank. Do so enough times in sequence without error and you earn a banana and advance to the next level where it is more of the same.MacUser
Expo Notes: iPad cases, touch gloves hot items on expo floor
While the release of the iPad is still in the distant future, that hasn't kept numerous companies from offering accessories for the greatly anticipated device.News
Expo: MacPractice preps for iPad
Imagine, next time you visit the doctor or dentist, filling out all those forms on an iPad instead of clipboard-and-paper. Software developer MacPractice has plans to make that happen.News
HP’s smartbook may battle it out with Apple’s iPad
HP's AirLife 100, released on Friday, could face a competitor in Apple's iPad, analysts said.Macworld Podcast
The iPad and digital comics
Jason Snell talks with four panelists at Macworld Expo about the iPad's potential as a digital comics platform.MacUser
Gates: iPad nice, netbooks better
Speaking to BNET, the Microsoft chairman, who had admitted to being in awe of the iPhone on first release, saw nothing in the iPad to really excite him.Playlist
Report: iTunes Store to sell $1 TV shows with iPad launch
Following up on an earlier report that Apple was in negotiations to sell SD TV shows on the iTunes Store for $1, the Financial Times claims we'll see that happen with the iPad launch.News
Doctors interested in Apple’s iPad; 1 in 5 plan to buy one
Epocrates surveyed 350 clinicians a few days after Apple announced the iPad and found that 22 percent plan to purchase the tablet within a year.iOS Central
Developer Sourcebits puts focus on iPad apps
iPhone developer Sourcebits has created a new division to focus on creating "super apps" for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Game Room
Disney sings the praises of the iPad to its investors
During Disney's conference call with investors this week, CEO Bob Iger said Apple's newly unveiled iPad could be "a game-changer in terms of enabling us to create new forms of content."iOS Central
AT&T and Verizon race for 4G deployment
AT&T today announced equipment suppliers for its coming high-speed wireless LTE network and signaled the start of an aggressive battle against rival Verizon.MacUser
Targus announces iPad screen protectors
The accessory maker will introduce new iPad-sized screen covers at Macworld Expo.MacUser
iPad needs to focus on multitasking, multiple users
Kirk McElhearn thinks two features containing the word "multi-" — multitasking and multiple users — may not be essential to the iPad's success. But they're certainly critical to what Apple's forthcoming tablet has the potential to become.Playlist
Nook is available again, but is it worth it?
After a long wait and gobs of frustration, Barnes && Noble's Nook e-book reader is finally available. But after all the hubbub and hair-pulling, is the Nook worth it?MacUser
Open ebook battle ends, but the war continues
Amazon loses the opening battle in a pincer move between publishers and readers, but it's unclear whether this is Fort Sumter, Gettysburg, or Appomattox.MacUser
X2 intros iTablet, no relation to Apple iPad
Talk about perfect timing: A company has released a tablet device in the UK called iTablet just a few weeks after Apple took the wraps off the iPad.Mobile Mac
Be.ez intros Apple iPad protection sleeves
Be-ez have announced a new addition to its stylish LA robe Allure line of protection sleeves, with the introduction of the LA robe iPad Allure.Mobile Mac
LaCie intros iPad and MacBook bags
LaCie has announced a range of new MacBook and Apple iPad compatible covers.MacUser
The Macalope Weekly: Pad derangement syndrome
Once again, the iPad rules the week's news. Is it the best thing since Apple first sliced a loaf of bread, or an unmitigated disaster? The Macalope looks at what the Internet thinks.MacUser
iPad interest waning? So says one survey
According to a survey from shopping comparison website Retrevo, potential buyers have lost interest in the iPad after Apple's announcement.iOS Central
Vodafone wants U.K. deal for the iPad
The latest wireless provider to offer Apple's iPhone in the U.K. wants the iPad.Playlist
Third major publisher dumps Amazon $9.99 e-books model
With Macmillan and HarperCollins already sparring with Amazon.com over the price of e-books, a third major publisher — Hachette — is opting for Apple's agency model in order to sell e-books for $14.99 a piece.iOS Central
Apple, Google battling for mobile ads
In another stage of its mounting battle with Google, Apple has hired two mobile ad industry big hitters.MacUser
Modbook maker not worried about iPad
The iPad is too big and lacks communication capabilities, says the former Apple exec who oversaw the demise of the company's iconic-but-flawed Newton project.MacUser
Amazon acquires Touchco and a Microsoft exec
Amazonu2019s most recent additions to its Kindle division are a company called Touchco and Microsoft executive Mike Nash.MacUser
Adobe, Apple spar over Flash for iPad, Mac
Flash has long been a tinderbox for arguments between Apple and Adobe, and the recent introduction of the iPad has only fanned those flames.News
Sony interested in challenging Apple’s iPad
Sony hinted on Thursday that it's preparing a challenger to Apple's upcoming iPad.News
Apple allure may help it win iPad name in Europe
The head of STMicroelectronics, the company that owns a trademark for the name IPAD in Europe, says he wants Apple as a customer.News
Chrome aims to steal some iPad thunder
Now that the iPad's been unveiled, it's time to speculate on another unannounced tablet. PCWorld's Tony Bradley wonders what a tablet running Google's Chrome OS might be like and what kind of competition it would pose for the iPad.News
Researcher: iPad-style tablets will take over where MIDs failed
Analysis firm ABI thinks that the iPad will help legitimize and drive a new, fast-growing niche of media tablets, succeeding where mobile Internet devices failed.News
Report: Interactive textbooks headed to iPad
Software developer ScrollMotion has been tapped to develop iPad-friendly versions of textbooks for education publishers like McGraw Hill, Houghton Mifflin, and Kaplan, according to the Wall Street Journal.MacUser
Want an iPad now? Build your own with Lego
Lego enthusiast Joe Meno was so impressed by the iPad that he built his own life-size version out of Legos.iOS Central
iPad’s wireless performance tied to AT&T’s boosting its 3G network
Though AT&T says it will be ready to handle demand for the iPad's wireless connectivity, analysts wonder how well the wireless provider will manage the most demand applications run on Apple's forthcoming tablet.News
Apple announces UK iPad on-sale dates
Apple has announced that the Wi-Fi model of its iPad media tablet will go on sale in the UK in "late March" with the 3G-equipped models arriving a month later. There's still no word on UK pricing, however; in the U.S., prices start at $499 for the tablet.Opinion
A business case for the Apple iPad
PCWorld's Michael Scalisi contends that the iPad is the most promising tablet of 2010. And in the hands of the right user, it's also a respectable business machine.Opinion